Blog {Asia-Pacific Geography Awareness Week}

by Celina Agaton

With the loss of funding to many vulnerable communities, multinational organizations will continue to shape humanitarian and development funding. How can we shift to more local and regional models of cross-sector leadership? Join our Asia-Pacific discussions for Geography Awareness Week

Sessions will be live-streamed and recorded. Catch updates at

This year’s Geography Awareness Week helps bring together regional communities to discuss shared histories in food, work and now, Covid. Hear the stories of nice people doing good work. Connect with friendly local and regional communities, learn about free training, resources and funding opportunities. This event is free. Talks are 10 minutes each, followed by a 10 minute Q&A

Please meet our Asia-Pacific Region speakers!

Celina Agaton
Regenerating Supply Chains

MapPHFeye Andal
University Mapping Communities and Humanitarian Mapping

Sara Barron
Local Voices in Urban Forest Planning
Future Forests

Carrol Chan
Disaster and Climate Change GIS and Remote Sensing Officer
Pacific Community (SPC)

Youjin Choe
Interpersonal Conflict in the OpenStreetMap community
University of Melbourne

Pyrou Chung
Indigenous Data Sovereignty
Open Development Initiative,
East-West Management Institute, Inc.

Charmaine Cu-Unjieng
Free Stress and Trauma Management Programs
International Association for Human Values

Kalel Demetrio
Culinary History and Innovation
Agimat & Alamat Foraging Bar and Restaurant

AJ Dimarucot
Sustainable Careers for Remote Work in Creative Industries
New OFW (Overseas Foreign Worker)

Hannah Dormido
Graphics Reporter and Cartographer
The Washington Post

David Garcia
Indigenous and Conflict Mapping

Mahar Lagmay
Disaster, Climate Change and Covid Mapping
Executive Director
University of the Philippines Resilience Institute

Adelaida Lim & Maribel Ongpin
Rural and Indigenous Artisan Markets
Philippine Textile Council

Rosal Lim
Women Weavers and Artisan Markets
Rurungan Sa Tubod Palawan

Leigh Lunas
Drone Mapping
GeoLadies PH

Andi Tabinas
Mental Health Mapping
Mental Health aWHEREness
GeoLadies PHilippines

Mikko Tamura
LGBTQ Mapping

Joeli Varo
Pacific Mapping and Navigation Techniques
Fiji National University

Saraswathi Vedam
Global Quality Maternal and Newborn Care Hub and Covid-19
Birthplace Lab
University of British Columbia

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